Alessandra Bocchi
Alessandra Bocchi is an Italian journalist who has written for the Spectator and the Wall Street Journal among other publications. She tweets at @alessabocchi
There is no magic bullet for raising birth rates
A complex network of spiritual, cultural and economic factors underpin our fertility slump
Calm down, dears!
Donald Trump offers no threat to Britain’s core ideological commitments and is unlikely to radically change U.S. foreign policy
The far enemy
The motivations for the 9/11 attacks are still misunderstood and moralised
The problem with precarity
Professional insecurity is harming workers and institutions alike
The dark horse of Durban
The work of Roy Campbell does not deserve to be ignored
Living the good life
The rising middle classes were decisive in shaping the late 19th century English town
British politics is Gething worse and worse
Identity is being prioritised over competence and ambition
A craven surrender
The handover of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius represents a mindless and unjust capitulation to a foreign power
Great big rain showers
C Schumann/Grieg: Piano concertos (Signum)