Amanda Holloway
Amanda Holloway is a freelance music critic who has written for The Stage among other publications. She tweets @AmandaHolloway2
Why Tony Hinchcliffe’s jokes didn’t work
It is very hard to blend comedy and politics
Neither beautiful, nor true
The new Fourth Plinth commission creates moral and artistic confusion
Boris: the PM who could do no wrong
This must be in competition for the most inaccurate work of non-fiction since … well, since Johnson’s last book
Some picture-perfect restorations
What we were seeing looked as good as it would have at its premiere
Marianna in the trenches
She wants to dive into the murky depths of social media, but her microphone can only scratch the surface
Gambling gifts
New reports on Labour and political donations miss the point
Public sector pay
Bumper pay rises for doctors and teachers are bound to result in higher inflation
Look on our works, ye voters, and despair
Nothing beside remains except the colossal wreck of the Tory Party
Is “progressive realism” either?
Weighing up the rights and wrongs of the Lammy Doctrine
Chill message of Booker shortlist
The contempt of publishers for middle-class life and values is diminishing the novel