Anthony Daniels
Anthony Daniels is a writer and a contributing editor of City Journal
The curious cult of the friend of fascism
Ayn Rand’s vile philosophy was one of the crudest ever to be taken seriously, but attracts the devotion of fundamentalists for whom she could do no wrong
Studio: Dubrovnik
Anthony Daniels visits the War Photo Limited gallery in Dubrovnik
Who are the Scottish Conservatives?
The election of Russell Findlay to lead the Scottish Conservatives reveals a party that doesn’t know what it stands for
Going solo
This Christmas, 40 competitors will face the most difficult sporting challenge on the planet
An orderly and civilised society
The biggest missing idea in British politics
French lessons
Macron’s centrist coalition has not only led the country to paralysis, but is itself threatened with implosion
The failure of the Irish nerve
Politicians are not acting and the public are not forcing them to act
British libel laws are a SLAPP in the face to press freedom
We need major liberalisation of libel law
It’s the economy, stupid
The US election was another reminder of people’s biggest political priority
Why Tony Hinchcliffe’s jokes didn’t work
It is very hard to blend comedy and politics
What’s wrong with the Human Rights Act?
It makes judges the arbiter of moral and political as well as legal decisions