Patrick Kidd

Patrick Kidd writes The Times's diary and Tailender columns, and wrote the parliamentary sketch from 2015-19. His anthology of sketches is called, The Weak Are A Long Time In Politics, and is published by Biteback. He tweets at @patrick_kidd

It is easy to forget how mediocre British tennis was before the Murrays

Jimmy Anderson has trotted up to the wicket 39,877 times in a Test match

Some have the granddaddy knack

There is a difference between innovation and a gimmick

Ninety-five years on, Hobbs still holds a record that is unlikely ever to be broken

Rugby league was transformed from a fringe working-class activity into part of national life

Promise is no guarantee of a long career

Sport should keep video officiating to a minimum

Should the World Cup be smaller?

Hoping for a golfing renaissance in Rome