There is still no pandemic plan
The Covid inquiry could help improve our response to the next crisis, but is not asking the right questions
Against constitutional obscurantism
Sorry, Parliament is sovereign
Neither moral nor just
The problem with Britain’s sentencing disparities
Those who knew or could have known
Accountability does not end with criminals themselves
Covid amnesty for everyone but the politicians
MPs made their bed, but that doesn’t mean we have to lie in it
A series of tubes
Imperial College’s Covid-19 coding is unintelligible
Helpful advice for the police
Enforce actual laws, don’t bumptiously police the ones you’d like
A nation of lawyers
Secret, haphazard pseudo-laws are not the way to treat the coronavirus
Our offended selves
Subjective, judge-diagnosed feelings cannot be the basis for law
Policing the Courts
The principles behind Harry Miller are for politicians to determine, not judges or the police