Christopher Silvester

Christopher Silvester is editor of The Penguin Book of Hollywood.

Some stop-gap leaders of the opposition were never intended to be potential prime ministers

In our age of the Saw torture-porn franchise, Peeping Tom still has the capacity to disturb

Nowhere is the weaponisation of history greater than in today’s Russia

The rise of gender-neutral categories in the show business awards season

For all Cimino’s flaws, there was still “the vision thing”

Political thrillers from South America

The digital preservation of thousands of Polish feature films and documentaries is a gift to international film culture

The recent restoration of Erich von Stroheim’s Foolish Wives shows that the original movie is astonishingly modern

The idea that there are multiple universes and that it might be possible to “‘versejump” is surely one way of explaining the cinematic urge

“War is the original human state,” Russian directors seem to say