Dominic Green on the history of transvestites, transsexuals and transgender
If someone identifies something you’ve said as problematic, they mean you are the problem
Peter King: a man of many talents
Remembering the great British saxophonist and prize-winning maker of model aircraft
Dr Green’s Dictionary: Diversity
Diversity is our strength? Or has history shown us otherwise?
The normalisation of Trump
Due to the Democrats’ efforts to foster division, Trump still has a fighting chance
A Midsummer Summer Night’s Meme
The customer is always right – especially in the realm of dreams
CHOP gets the chop
An experiment in self-government has been annexed by the United States of Amerikka
Dr Green’s Dictionary: Narrative
In politics, narrative is now less synonymous with events than with their exposure as a pack of lies
The white & the woke
How Antifa and Condé Nast have taken over the Black Lives Matter protests
Yardbird: 100 Years of Charlie Parker
Dominic Green looks at the immortality of jazz saxophonist, Charlie Parker