Dr Em
Dr EM is a disabled, feminist writer and historian. She writes under a pen name due to threats to her safety and tweets as @PankhurstEM
Why are we allowing “The Family Sex Show”?
We need to ask hard questions about what we expose our children to in the name of “inclusion”
Should prostitution be available on prescription?
The unlikely — and sinister — teaming of the sex trade and disability rights
A misguided election briefing
The Church must recognise there are Christians on both the left and right of politics
The meaning of depoliticisation
How the establishment made political questions unanswerable
For realism, against Scottish nationalism
Progress depends on rejecting the delusions of independence
Two-tier policing is not new
Our authorities must operate without fear or favour again
Podcasting while Britain burns
OK, OK, it’s all very deplorable, but Britain’s right wing bloggers still have to make a living
Contra Hitchens on the election
It was reasonable not to vote to prevent a Labour majority
Twitter’s doxxing problem
Social media “outings” expose serious lapses in legality and digital morality
Trojan horse separatism
Spanish unity is being bartered away in a game of political greed as a Catalan coup-leader is allowed to stroll back into the country
The disgrace of ACE
Arts Council England has failed to support artists and art
Communication breakdown
Young journalists will learn nothing from this drivel
The mixed legacy of #MeToo
There is a difference between confronting male behaviour and recreational man-hating