Lucy Hunter Blackburn
Dr Lucy Hunter Blackburn is a former senior civil servant in the Scottish Government. Her roles included Head of Higher Education Division, Head of Reducing Reoffending Division and Director of Policy at Historic Scotland. She co-founded Murray Blackburn Mackenzie
Keir Starmer cannot ignore us
The gender debate is not going to disappear
How trans activists captured the hate crime agenda
The “hate crime” agenda is based on bad policing and worse politics
The revised Scottish Prison Service transgender prisoner policy is not fit for purpose
Any work for bringing it into force should be stopped
Oxford elects
Meet the denizens of Oxford’s disenchanted garden currently competing for the university’s top sinecure
The Conservatives must reject Human Quantitative Easing
It has been a disaster for the party and for the nation
Cultural appropriation is here to stay
So-called cultural appropriation is an American obsession, cheerfully ignored by a fast globalising world
Alive and flicking
A game invented by a man named Adolph might have been a hard sell to the British public, but it was an instant hit
Gender identity ideology is undermining healthcare
There is nothing “gender-affirming” about having cancer
The Democratic Party deserves Donald Trump
Its arrogance and complacency have been exposed
The Sturgeon delusion
How the former SNP leader inspired hope and then squandered it
Moving in mysterious ways
Normally, a warning comes with some kind of threat
The death of Britannia Agoraia
Deindustrialisation has done damage even beyond the realms of economics