The curse of super-councillors
MPs should not be focused on the local at the expense of the national
Where are the real statesmen?
Neither populists nor managerialists can rule
Manifestos, multiculturalism and the British millet system
Competing communitarian manifestos provide a dark glimpse into Britain’s future
Blairism at its most zealous
The Labour manifesto is a recipe for bland bureaucratic managerialism
The stultification of the liberal mind
Ed Davey’s anti-political campaign is darker than it looks
The Conservatives need a clear-out
Failed advisers and politicians have to be removed
The fallacy of “British values”
Nationhood cannot be reduced to abstractions
Reform can perform
Has Britain found its insurgent populist party?
The grey vote will not save the Tories
Appealing to older voters is failing as an electoral strategy
The rise of electoral sectarianism
Multiculturalism is reshaping British political life