The myth of infallibility
Dispiriting as it may be, great authors are capable of writing bad books
Bring back the panjandrums
We need heavyweights to separate good from bad
Santa’s unspeakable sack
Why are publishers so sniffy about stocking fillers?
Scheherazade scoops the pot
Women now dominate the literary landscape
In search of the right stuff
Why are there so few conservatively-minded novelists?
Independent minds
Small local publishers are putting out the brightest and best new work
All shall have prizes
There are now so many awards that not winning one must seem a source of shame
Beyond unthrilled by all the hype
When a new major title by a big cheese arrives, expect a tidal wave of rolled logs
Two cheers for the LRB
The magazine that declares its main aim is to review books does anything but
Six ways to make things better
Bringing back the Net Book Agreement would be a good start for badly-paid authors