Letters for April
Wikipedia fibs, Swiftian corrections, and non-plussed 11 year olds
Selling the jewels
Auntie has gone mad and is auctioning off the family silver
Serious choices
We must make them soon
March: Letters to the Editor
Academic follies and tinkled ivories
Death by degrees
The dream of the university is being killed by greed, dogma and bureaucracy
February: Letters to the Editor
Funny handshakes, BBC cover-ups, fortifying wines and the Bank of England
Not the BBC news
It’s easy to make the case against Aunty, and fun too
December/January: Letters to the Editor
Carry on, pomp and circumstance and cultural Marxism
The state we’re in
Britain isn’t working any more
November: Letters to the Editor
Eco-disasters, mixed up cemeteries and maligned libertarians