Artillery Row

Matthew Adams reviews The Liar’s Dictionary, by Eley Williams

On 99th anniversary of PV Narasimha Rao’s birth it is time to rehabilitate a traduced politician

In its combination of glacial beauty and lovelorn desperation, Brideshead Revisited speaks to all readers, Alexander Larman writes

Norman Lebrecht reviews Shostakovich: Violin concertos 1&2, performed by Alina Ibragimova and the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia

HBO Max’s cancelling of Gone With the Wind in the wake of George Floyd’s murder is outrageous, Paul du Quenoy writes

John Bowers reviews Jewish Treasures from Oxford Libraries, by Rebecca Abrams and Cesar Merchan-Hamann

Nigel Jones laments the rise of the British snitch

Rudyard Kipling’s (in)famous poem “If” reverberates with valuably relevant and humane advice for 2020 Britain