
The question of human rights, Christian morals and Western ethics has hitherto been an academic debate; now it is in the public arena

Fiction works on the understanding that none of it really happened; we agree to believe it anyway, says John Self

From countryside crimes to mysteries on the waves, Jeremy Black recommends further reading from the British Library Crime Classics collection

Bruce Coleman finds that this book on the West India Interest is more polemical than historical

In recognising the threat Hitler posed and swimming against the tide of public opinion, the glamour boys defied the stereotypes

Jeffrey Jackson’s lively and compassionate account plunges readers into the depths of the Occupation and the Channel Islands’ resistance movement

Dan Blumenthal’s new book wants us to be pessimistic, realistic, and proactive

Thomas Prosser’s new book argues that there are elements of self-interest and altruism in all political ‘isms’

Marketing Tom Holland’s ‘Dominion’ as a Christian product would be a kiss of death in the UK, but it works across the pond

Mark Alan Hewitt’s book is a welcome breath of sound common sense in a field where expensive insanity seems to have ruled the roost for far too long