Issue: March 2024
Discomfort Zone
I recommend The Zone of Interest with the greatest caution: it’s not an easy watch
Hellenism in Rome
Children of Athens is an absorbing romp through Greek (and Roman) history
The case for more royals
This is no time for a slimmed-down monarchy
Barking up the wrong tree
Insta-obsessed diners can’t see the food for the reels
The greats’ Dane
The story of Burton and Gielgud’s famed Broadway production of Hamlet has been turned into a West End play
Grandmasters: a meeting of great minds
Napoleon and Goethe: Touchstone of Genius by Raymond Keene
The W-word
The idea that the sex of a person is simply a matter of choice is a giant ideological lie
Venice’s tortuous tourist tax
How much public money has been wasted on a scheme which will be quietly retired?
Encouraging evil for the common good
Mansfield does not condemn him: rather refreshingly he exhilarates in Machiavelli’s genius
Could it be magic?
Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa by Anthony Grafton