Results for "Graham Stewart"

Professor Jeremy Black talks to Graham Stewart about military monarchs

Sir Iain Duncan Smith and Graham Stewart discuss how Britain can pivot away from China

What historical parallels can be drawn with the current situation?

Professor Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss the reach and organisation of Britain’s armed forces in protecting and expanding the British empire

And did its modern tourist industry develop naturally? Graham Stewart discusses with Professor Jeremy Black

Graham Stewart talks to Prof Jeremy Black about how the power of the US president has been exercised since the end of the Cold War

Professor Jeremy Black talks to Graham Stewart about the conflicts and continuities of France from Louis Philippe to the Belle Epoque

How the gender battle is shaking-up British party politics. With Graham Stewart and Josephine Bartosch

Eric understood that the system had to stop being a relic of the past

Professor Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss Britain’s military campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s