Benedict Spence
Benedict Spence is a freelance commentator who has written for The Telegraph, The Independent, The Spectator, City AM and elsewhere. He tweets at @BenedictSpence
Weren’t the grownups meant to be back in charge?
Shallow managerialism has failed us already
The problem with football pundits
Why are we so often stuck with inarticulate ex-pros?
Is cricket growing up and leaving home?
In many ways the sport is thriving, but there is danger ahead
The goose and the golden egg
The City of London Corporation arguably survives for one reason only: money
The odd couple
Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene may have been unlike as possible, but they remained the closest of friends for four decades
Policies Galore!
Scotland has social democratic goodies under the floorboards, so long as the wicked English excise men don’t spoil everything.
The Conservatives deserve credit on sex and gender
They were slow to respond to institutional capture — but they did respond
Still-sparkling gems of an annus mirabilis
Tried and tested novels overlooked in our neophilic rush to the new and wanting
How to take on the culture warriors
Determining what is and isn’t appropriate is not the job of thought-policing left authoritarians