The establishment prefers distractions to solutions
Politicians discuss irrelevances rather than confronting the obvious
The nurseryfication of culture
Alienation has encouraged the normalisation of childishness
The dangerous fallacy of “self-deterrence”
The concept makes little sense and could create serious risks
In defence of Michael Foran
Do not confuse the intensity of trolls for righteousness
Was the Budget stupid or malicious?
It is going to fuel youth unemployment
EDI corrodes the rule of law
Embedding EDI in the work of barristers makes for bad law, not a good society
Lightweight Kate Winslet
Our most versatile of English roses must accept that one role is beyond even her
Why Trump triumphed
The Democrats had too many self-inflicted disadvantages to overcome
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography