Afghanistan War
Sanctions don’t work
Why do we keep resorting to them?
The right way to mark this Afghan war anniversary
It really didn’t have to turn out this way
The suicide bomber and me
A trip to Afghanistan to report on the destruction of the opium crop almost resulted in death
Inside the memory of 9/11
Twenty years later, it’s hard to remember how the world reacted with a unity unthinkable today
Boris – an optimist even in military defeat
Boris brooks no insult of our hardworking men and women in khaki and pinstripe
Cold War rematch
The winners of the Cold War turned out to be the authoritarians, not the democrats
“Left flanking or straight up the middle with bags of smoke?!”
Not another Armistice Day to get through. And what about all the other pressing issues for which there is no poppy?
Born on the Fourth of July
Us Brits need to come to an honest reckoning over what happened in Afghanistan