Anne Isabella Milbanke
Man of letters: reading between the lines
Byron: A Life in Ten Letters by Andrew Stauffer
The far enemy
The motivations for the 9/11 attacks are still misunderstood and moralised
There’s no good way to equal pay
You can’t beat the laws of supply and demand
The mean queens of the book world
A rare case of a “progressive” employee facing consequences will not change the publishing industry
Telling tales out of school
Is it really about sex, race, generational hierarchies — or the changeable nature of student-teacher relationships?
The UK’s war on free speech
Street violence is being met with restrictions on online speech by a Labour government desperate to clamp down on opinion
Irreversible damage
Trans “healthcare” has been utterly discredited, but activists are undeterred by the evidence
Not everyone should be in therapy
Over-medicalisation hurts the healthy and the suffering alike
School’s out forever
British universities are in an unsustainable state of overexpansion, and taxpayers can’t be expected to keep footing the bill