Arthur Schopenhauer
The twin prophets of pessimism
The novelist and the philosopher linked by a common fascination with despair
Let’s diversify the curriculum
If we really want diversity, we need to get more traditional
Tragedy, comedy and an Italian parable
Three great novels capture a moment of change for society
The Bard at Christmas
It is impossible to appreciate Shakespeare without acknowledging his Christian foundations
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
British politicians are turning me into a libertarian
Their incompetence and presumptuousness is the best advert individualists have
The death of an Anglo-Hungarian Painting
Nine months after a savage act of vandalism at Trinity College Cambridge, anger is growing at its lacklustre response
Where are the calls for blasphemy laws coming from?
We should consider the voters as well as the politicians
Is public religion the new heresy?
It makes no sense to argue that faith should not inform ethical decisions
A recipe for decline
This budget will do nothing to lift Britain from its doldrums
John Swinney’s Isla Bryson moment?
The Scottish Government must be made to face the facts on sex and gender
Murders of 2024
Jeremy Black reviews the best (and worst) murders from the last year