Bank of London
Labour’s favourite banker
Questions can be asked about the relationship between the Labour Party and Anthony Watson
What is Toryism for?
What has it done if it has not made a system it wishes to defend?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the forgetting of feminist principles
Single-sex toilets are essential if we are going to respect women’s personal space
The party that fell for a lie
The WEP is unable to give a straight answer to the question: what is a woman?
London has lost its soul
National renewal must start with the capital
Not much COP
Holding the climate summit in Baku displays brazen hypocrisy
If Donald Trump wins, it’s over
Three assassination attempts prove irrefutably that Trump is guilty of inciting violence
Resist Labour’s managerial revolution
Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves are grimly committed to expanding the state and entrenching bureaucracy
Could there be a Reform revolution?
Reform’s Welsh Conference brimmed with optimism — but can that be translated into success?
How to end the free speech crisis
The right must plan to demolish the four pillars of Britain’s stifling anti-speech laws