Baz Luhrmann Australia
Hollywood or Hollywoke?
Can drama successfully rewrite history to satisfy modern sensitivities?
Countdown to energy apocalypse
What will happen when the wind doesn’t blow?
The Susie Green light
Businesses should not be legitimising the controversial CEO
On the awfulness of liberals
The Lords must put the Leadbeater bill to sleep
Join the escalation?
That world war may not erupt imminently is no excuse for being complacent
The enemy of the Civil Service is my friend
Conservatives should hope that Keir Starmer can weaken its grip on British policy
Britain is at breaking point
The UK is experiencing existential challenges, but neither elitists nor populists offer a solution
Sometimes it’s best to shoot the messenger
Ordinary citizens feel a greater claim than ever before to what goes on in public institutions
The problem with EDI
Equality, diversity and inclusion policies are constraining free thought and dividing people
Procedural Man
The Process is good, the Process is correct, no matter what, trust the Process
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details