Blitz Spirit
Hurrah for small decencies
Local suspicion is outweighed by the kindness of others
French lessons
Macron’s centrist coalition has not only led the country to paralysis, but is itself threatened with implosion
A bloodless coup in Bucharest
How can elections be cancelled without substantive reasons even being presented?
Art of the deal
A simple sale, with money changing hands, was out of the question
The dangerous rise of egg harvesting
Women should not be encouraged to undergo a dangerous and unnecessary procedure
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
A life of indulgence
Jacob Rees-Mogg has a major persona and a minor career
The definitive Brexit book—for now
Shipman captures the compelling drama of Britain’s greatest peacetime political crisis since the People’s Budget
“Bold vision”
An action or choice can perfectly well be bold without being good
Conservatives can no longer trust institutions
Institutions are only as effective as the people within them and the culture beyond them