Book Review
Making a miserable meal of mythbusting
The writing is laced with the sins of myth-making: boring, trite, incoherent, lazy and unfunny
Burmese days: for good and ill
There was much naivety in depicting the Anglo-Burmese engagement as one of mutual enlightenment
Here be flagons
The temperance campaigners realised that a picture can achieve more than a thousand words of argument
Lettuce be, Liz
Liz Truss’s account of her woeful reign is packed with disingenuity and conceit
The triumph of the Classical
Modernism has failed and it is time to return to diligent study of the best of traditional architecture
Big beasts versus the Bible
Darwin sidelined the Creator by documenting the slow mechanisms of evolution
Why tech execs don’t give their kids phones
Gen Z’s brains have been “rewired” by the online world —can they be restored to factory settings?
The glorious Ninth
Relive the moments when music changed forever
Regency romance
Small human moments cut across the centuries
A “lost” novel better left unfound
We’re a long way from touchstones One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera