Boris Johnson
Shapps is shocked, shocked!
The Prime Minister’s defence calls in a specialist
Boris brings up the rear
The prime minister is consistent only in his untidiness and unpreparedness
I’m done with po-faced politicians
We have long since lost the spirit of 1983
How do you solve a problem like the protocol?
The apotheosis of Johnsonism
No-demand TV
Have We Got Politicians for You
No honour among thieves
If Keir is trying to shame Boris by offering to resign, he’s going to be disappointed
Losing the generation game
The local elections reveal a bitter demographic conflict
What would Boris do if he had to resign?
A discussion of life after premiership
Boris will be Boris … again
How to end up a happy ex-prime minister
Lord of the Flies (but not the zippers)
Tribal warfare suits the chieftain of Tory island