British India
Marshalling India’s maharajahs
Dethroned: The Downfall of India’s Princely States by John Zubrzycki
Bad education
Under Labour a deeply ideological education sector could go very quickly and badly wrong
My Magyar dish
A dish that combines gravity with tradition, but is cheekily unorthodox
Why personal insults fail
Getting personal might be mean, but it is also ineffective
No dog in this fight
A Labour government will bring fresh disasters to replace the old Tory ones, but the Critic will continue its policy of honest criticism
Podcasting while Britain burns
OK, OK, it’s all very deplorable, but Britain’s right wing bloggers still have to make a living
Say it ain’t so, Joe
How democratic is a shadowy cabal conspiring to hide the fact that Biden is too frail to govern?
Hungary: treading a fine line
Can it stay equidistant from the great powers while maintaining trade connectivity?
Remnant Rubens
A provincial folk artist offers an alternative view of Georgian society
Gambling with the numbers
A new survey of problem gamblers has serious problems of its own