British Universities
Eric Fogey
Dr Fogey genuinely does believe that virtually every enlightened measure of the past 200 years was a mistake
When the music stopped
A reflection on the inexorable decline of arts education and the rise of knee-jerk politics and managerialism
Telling tales out of school
Is it really about sex, race, generational hierarchies — or the changeable nature of student-teacher relationships?
Student visas reconsidered
Should the Tories be so proud to have been raising numbers?
Free speech: we should try it again
We must sweep aside today’s pervasive fearfulness. Instead we should feel free to offend — and not take offence when others treat us equally robustly
I regret to inform you …
An Admissions Don at a major British university lays bare the quota-driven process of student selection and imagines what honest acceptance and rejection letters may look like
Death by degrees
The dream of the university is being killed by greed, dogma and bureaucracy
The benefits of learning from home
The British model of a residential “university experience” saddles students with unnecessary debt and severs their links with their communities
Deconstructing decolonisation
At its most radical, the push for decolonising the curriculum rests on a series of false assumptions that we need to repudiate
More town, less gown
The cult of mass university education saddles many students with unecessary debt, breeds dissatisfaction and does little to foster culture or enterprise