Cell Meat
The slab from the lab – is meat cultured from cells the future (or end) of farming?
The investor and author of Moo’s Law, Jim Mellon, talks to Graham Stewart about the coming agrarian revolution
Not a dull phrase
Ethel Smyth: 2nd sonata &c (Delphian)
Boris the Innocent
The Johnsonian lexicon has yet to incorporate the word “responsibility”
Disaster zone
It’s a big job says Keir Starmer, and it’s not our mess we’ll be clearing up
Office politics
There’s the joker, the slacker, and the bloke who just got fired
The world is not enough
In the battle between abstract globalisation and rooted identity, the human spirit itself is at stake
The death of Britannia Agoraia
Deindustrialisation has done damage even beyond the realms of economics
On cockroaches and cancellation (w/ James Dreyfus)
How ideology is spoiling the arts
There is no “Woke Right”
A new attempt to delineate the boundaries of acceptable opinion has failed
A dark day for Australian women
It takes more than a document to prove that you are female