Steve Beegoo
Steve Beegoo is Head of Education at Christian Concern
Defend Christian private schools
Keir Starmer’s tax raid would be bad for children, parents and the state
Just like them?
Schools are pushing a one-sided view of religious attitudes towards sexuality
Keep prisoners of war off social media
Social media platforms are incentivising war crimes
How the West fell out of love with mass migration
Restrictionist opinion is breaking through the establishment cordon sanitaire
Waugh at war
Self-sacrifice, tradition and service seem to have been cast aside by today’s society
Elon Musk versus the EU
A high-level dispute has major implications for online freedom
Technical problems
Rishi Sunak must be glad to face one problem that is absolutely not his fault
Cultural appropriation is here to stay
So-called cultural appropriation is an American obsession, cheerfully ignored by a fast globalising world
Why there has been no Street life
G.E. Street built or restored 113 churches for the Oxford diocese alone
The BBC can be a drag
The priorities of its reporting, especially on gender issues, can be absurd
What the Conservatives can learn from Germany
The Tories should have a clean break with their past and rebuild
Too measured for its own good
Lukas Foss: 1st symphony &c (Naxos)