Church History
William Warham
A champion of the English Church unfairly eclipsed by his great rivals Wolsey, Cranmer and Cromwell
In search of forgotten heroes
The Church has consigned to oblivion those who risked all to end the slave trade
Preaching to a dwindling choir
Once the default denomination of tycoons and the WASP elite, America’s Episcopal Church is struggling
The lives of Mary Magdalene
A fine book explores her life and afterlife
Treasure-houses of the nation
Britain needs to decide on the future of our great churches — and what we want them to be
Anglican age of a thousand churches
The Church of England offered a necessary bulwark against the tempests of change
The closing of the Episcopal mind
The Church of England’s leaders don’t reflect its political diversity
Russian Orthodoxy on trial
Symphonia or caesaropapism?