Elizabeth Taylor
A beguiling star who loved melodrama
Taylor’s hunger for money, flashy gizmos and flashier gewgaws found its echo in Burton’s need to forsake the classics
Missing a slam dunk
Cleopatra is not a terrible movie, but this failed Hollywood history is
Diva and the Dane
The Motive and the Cue at the National Theatre delves into the relationship of an acting power couple.
Alive and flicking
A game invented by a man named Adolph might have been a hard sell to the British public, but it was an instant hit
Wanted: a plan to reform the NHS
No serious party can sit out the ideological battle over the remorseless rise in public spending, including on health
The problem with petty scandals
They distract us from state failure and institutional decay
Ultra processed arguments
Public health commentators cannot seem to decide what is safe to eat
Tough on the causes of non-crime
A warm welcome back to non-crime hate incidents
Excluding Imran Khan is cowardly and wrong
Oxford University has made a serious mistake
How H&W hit the iceberg
The opportunism and ineptitude that brought Belfast’s shipbuilding industry to its knees
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
Crossing the public health Rubicon
Are there any limits to statist safetyism?