Esther Rantzen
Could Esther Rantzen think twice on assisted suicide?
The gifts of life can be unexpected
Italy is right to extend its ban on surrogacy
It is good for women and it is good for children
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
A broken Reed
Who did Steve Reed MP annoy to be sent to face the outrage of the farmers?
Libyans, Parisians and London Irish
Dry-ish, spare, clear-eyed — rare in a world of literary bloat, sentiment and overstatement
Democracy is being undermined in Northern Ireland
Brussels and London are both being reckless about Stormont
What’s wrong with the Human Rights Act?
It makes judges the arbiter of moral and political as well as legal decisions
Mental illness is more complex than we think
There are no easy answers when it comes to mental health
Why Trump triumphed
The Democrats had too many self-inflicted disadvantages to overcome
Kemi goes postal
The former business secretary and current Tory leader is grilled over a late delivery
Liberal myths of the “good old ways”
Donald Trump’s foreign policy is not so very different from the Democrats’ imagined golden age of American leadership