Stars, stripes and dollars
Michael Prodger on the artists who make huge sums for painting the US flag
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
Royals in an online age
Can the royal mystique survive the glare of modern media?
If Donald Trump wins, it’s over
Three assassination attempts prove irrefutably that Trump is guilty of inciting violence
Two-tier justice in Northern Ireland
Why do only some killings deserve investigation?
Rime of the ancient Tory mariner
The lesson of the Conservative conference? Keep your kids away from politics
The same old song
A reboot of nineties favourite Le Caprice is more museum than restaurant
Neither beautiful, nor true
The new Fourth Plinth commission creates moral and artistic confusion
Hush, nepo baby
Such colourful champions of free speech should be treasured rather than ridiculed
Britain needs an actual leader of the opposition
Rishi Sunak is doing nothing to hold Keir Starmer to account