Franz Welser-Möst
Savour the silence
The first duty of a conductor is to imagine a world without noise
Debunking the decline deniers
Armed police at Christmas markets are a bad sign however you look at it
An open letter on academic free speech
Calls for more intellectual openness are not a defence of Islamists and Holocaust deniers. A response to Mark Ferguson MP
Stolen moments
Smoking is a precious social currency in a fast atomising world
Donald Trump should not heed the call of foreign policy hawks
The world is not split neatly between good guys and bad guys
Iranian women deserve more support
Self-styled internationalists are failing them
A wealth of glorious objects and images
A new book about the discovery of classical sculptures and frescoes is itself a real treasure
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
The problem with EDI
Equality, diversity and inclusion policies are constraining free thought and dividing people
Are we being misled on Georgia?
Claims of electoral fraud are serious — but they have not been substantiated
Midlands marvels and mysteries
A fitting if flawed tribute to one of England’s more undersung counties