Heroes, villains and lessons in life
Intellectual history, sneered at in Oxford 40 years ago, is all the rage there now
How the Navy built Britain
Culmination of a magisterial work that entwines the story of the Royal Navy with the scientific, cultural and social history of our nation
A labour of love
We are all historians of our own here and now
J G A Pocock: the Antipodean’s view of Europe
John Pocock defended Britain in its broadest sense
Open the royal files
A culture of gratuitous opacity surrounds the Royal Family
Casting light in dark corners
No other historian can provide a better introduction to a big subject
In defence of narrative history
Stories make scholarship human
Rebadging the past as feel-good therapy
The discipline faces not so much a crisis of history, as a crisis of historicism
Against history snobs
Al Murray proves himself to be more than a popular historian
What are historians for?
Contemporary commentary or timeless reflection?