Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi: a gift from the gods?
How India’s first – and only – female prime minister exploited a Hindu goddess
Total eclipse of the art?
Activistic artists and curators are making art a niche political endeavour
Is “love is love” only for white people?
The Tories have suddenly discovered the book of Leviticus
Sometimes it’s best to shoot the messenger
Ordinary citizens feel a greater claim than ever before to what goes on in public institutions
Finding faith
Peterson spends great time and care examining a cornucopia of Biblical stories
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
The problem with EDI
Equality, diversity and inclusion policies are constraining free thought and dividing people
Shades of Gray
Never underestimate the mysterious yet powerful Sue Gray
Death on demand?
Euthanasia offers only bad choices to the most vulnerable patients
Killing democracy to save it?
The annulling of the first round of the Romanian presidential elections should concern us all