Ira Glasser
Letter from Washington: How the left fell out of love with the First Amendment
The drift of the ACLU is symptomatic of a wider problem among American progressives
The grand Budapest hotel
The Hungarian Prime Minister’s office gives Orbán the space to think
Free speech defenders should practice what they preach
There should be no illiberal exception for anti-Zionist academics
Shiva Naipaul
The younger brother of a controversial Nobel Prize winner who has been unjustly overlooked
The reality of the roads
Young men should be aware of the brutal realities of gang life
Save nursing from the universities
There is no need for nursing to be a graduate only occupation
Opposing big government means opposing climate change
We need a market-led course to net zero
Turkey must be at the centre of Donald Trump’s policy for the Middle East
It would be pure folly to alienate such an important regional power
Patostreamers and the decline of public life
A depressing new trend reflects the impoverished state of social existence
Transformation of a wasteland
Surviving buildings lend texture to the development, a sense of it having a history
Tense present
Our demand for immediacy makes it difficult to appreciate the past, the present or the future