Jeremy Wright
Bad law in a good cause
Who should determine Britain is trading with a genocidal regime – international judges? British judges? Or the British government?
Silk but no silken tongue
Sometimes the top legal officers need to give the government advice it doesn’t want to hear
Britain is at breaking point
The UK is experiencing existential challenges, but neither elitists nor populists offer a solution
Ultra processed arguments
Public health commentators cannot seem to decide what is safe to eat
Twilight of the hacks
“A Very Royal Scandal” and the emptiness of modern journalism
Is university still worth it?
Rising fees raise questions about the value of some degrees
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography
Imagine there’s no Gove
Who’s in the room matters, and there were some which would have been better off without Michael Gove
The afterlife of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
Reflections on forty years since his death shook communist Poland
Black holes and revelations
Keir Starmer has detected a previously unknown budgetary singularity from whose gravity no tax cuts can escape
Mental illness is more complex than we think
There are no easy answers when it comes to mental health
Let’s leave the Commonwealth
There is no point in being a member just to be browbeaten about our past