Linda Colley
War-war leads to jaw-jaw
This is a starkly different interpretation on the proliferation of written constitutions and rams it home with cogency and panache
Towards a hospitable environmentalism
Green ideas must transcend misanthropy and austerity
Hatred without end
A year on from October 7th, mutual dehumanisation and refusal of moral responsibility characterises our “debate” over the Gaza war
The cinematic future is bright
“The End” is in sight for communal film-watching, right? Wrong
What’s the point of university during a freedom of speech crisis?
Students should be taught to do more than agree
Perfect victims and a tale of two films
Don’t idealise victims — listen to them
Drill music’s token freedoms
Defences of free expression have become hopelessly unprincipled
The perversity of the Oasis reunion
The cultural optimism of the nineties has been lost
The curious incident of the dog and the tribunal
A welcome win for sanity on gender, freedom and the workplace
The Meloni effect
How the Italian prime minister could reshape European politics
Democracy is being undermined in Northern Ireland
Brussels and London are both being reckless about Stormont