
The Divine Comedy will be playing a concert at the Barbican on 14 October to celebrate Neil Hannon

A decent lockdown protest song is about as likely as a vaccine before Christmas

Remembering the great British saxophonist and prize-winning maker of model aircraft

The space for criticism to exist grows smaller and the archways that sustained its presence crumble away, laments Sarah Ditum

Rishi’s £1.57 Billion handout to the arts sector is the last good news it’ll ever hear, says Robert Thicknesse

BBC Proms row has developed into an unexpectedly successful publicity stunt

Half a century on, the song remains an an eternally affecting evocation of the need for solidarity and comfort

The news is bad, but on Del Rey’s watch the poetry is sometimes pretty good, and getting better

Alexander Larman asks whether Jarvis Cocker’s latest album release will reignite his former success