A history of the world set in stone
Popular geology writing is as old as the geological sciences themselves
Voices of regret
Did a new study capture the whole truth about “top surgery”?
Who’s afraid of UPF? (Part 2)
Bad science is hard to swallow
The tangled web of sex
No, sex is not “bimodal”
Time doesn’t fly in Bianchini’s company
Heilbron writes with authority and – what is more unusual – genuine passion
Sex, New Scientist and me
How I learned to stop worrying and criticise the magazine
The life of lifts
The mechanical wonders of high-speed elevation
Can science hold all the answers?
Revisiting the thinkers who challenged the scientific method’s claims to have a monopoly on the truth and offer privileged access to reality
The dangerous charms of models
Mask mandates failed
Did Newton microaggress?
The government should stop supporting the EDI industry