Somerset House
The Courtauld: a collection unmasked
The gallery has long been famous for its impressionist collection, but the reopening sheds light on other works of art
Landscapes of allusion and illusion
On the architecture of recreation
The Church of England’s race to the bottom
The Church of England should not be putting ideology before history
Reparate good times, come on!
The Critic’s Extremely Factual Guide to Slavery Reparations the UK Most Definitely Owes
Towards a shared Englishness
There is a third way between civic nationalism and ethno-nationalism
The Royal British Legion’s day to forget
The “Pride poppy” demeans what should be a dignified occasion
The childishness of republicanism
Lidia Thorpe’s outburst is no reflection of the Australian attitudes towards the King
Folly, fantasy and Britain’s defence crisis
Britain has spent scarce resources in support of the fantasy of “Global Britain”
The first female President will be Republican
American conservatives are far less averse to assertive women than the political left
What is behind the ECHR debate?
We should stop pretending that moral disagreements can be reduced to technical debates
The same old song
A reboot of nineties favourite Le Caprice is more museum than restaurant
Dissolve the hotbeds of wokery
Failing universities should go the way of the monasteries under Henry VIII