Westminster Cathedral
Outward signs of invisible grace
The King’s coronation was deeply religious
“Nice” people need to read this book
How women have been hounded throughout the gender wars
The death of modern Britishness?
Attempts to construct a dehistoricised national identity have failed
Keir’s woetanical garden
Labour still don’t understand the scale of the reforms that are needed
Wanted: a plan to reform the NHS
No serious party can sit out the ideological battle over the remorseless rise in public spending, including on health
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
Homes for heroes
MPs are committed public servants who need accomodation in London to do their job
Brooding blokes
Russian writers loved a pouting, picturesquely pained protagonist
In defence of hereditary peers
Starmer’s spiteful plan for the Lords breaks an important intergenerational contract
Draining the swamp
Residents are hopeful that the mayor’s grip on Venice might at last be easing
The art of violence
High jinks in the Groucho Club are small beer when compared to the misdeeds of their artist ancestors