The half-forgotten promise of the Jubilee Line
The London Underground line points the way towards a better future
Toryism à la mode
Could the legacy of French Gaullism breathe life into a listless British conservatism?
Dutch courage
Why is the Farmer Citizen Movement succeeding?
Liberty, fraternity, animosity
The right-wing turn in France
What price Parliament
Renovating Westminster taxes the Leader’s ingenuity — and the public’s pocketbook
Recanting decanting
An expensive evacuation of the Palace of Westminster has now fallen out of favour
All double dutch
Andrew Cusack says the influence of the Netherlands’ seaborne empire can still be felt around the world, from Manhattan and South Africa to modern Sri Lanka
Private passions in the public square
The ground shifts under leading American conservative thinkers like RR Reno
Pugin on the ritz
There’s no case for the costly decant of parliament now
An appreciation of the late John Simon
Andrew Cusack remembers the apotheosis of criticism