David Smith

David Smith was an award-winning correspondent for 30 years for ITN/C4News, then worked as an adviser to Kofi Annan at the UN. Now based in Latin America, he writes for The Economist. He is the author of three books, and sometime Visiting Professor in the United States.

Ukraine is struggling and the West is distracted

A frustrated Argentina has chosen radical economic reform

Amidst the horrors, could there be some signs of future peace?

Outsiders are underestimating the scale of Argentinian discontent

Bold diplomacy must avert an unimaginable crisis in the Middle East

There is a new tone to foreign policy debate

Violence is brewing again in the Middle East

Did Bill walk so that Boris and Trump could run?

Yoweri Museveni was once hailed in Washington

What should, or can, be done about China’s power overseas?