The demolition man
His legacy impresses and frustrates
Trump’s Argentinian cousin?
Lessons from the Kirchners
Bush and Boris: separated at birth?
Boris aped Dubya’s mistakes
Ukraine: Where’s the peace plan?
If we don’t create a road to peace, Ukraine may become another Syria
Jerusalem: cradle of lost peace
In the Holy Land coexistence was a fragile dream, built on unstable foundations
Putin and the Pope
Can the Argentinian pontiff make a difference in Ukraine?
UN-welcome in Ukraine?
Prevaricating UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is finally flying to Kiev — but is it too late?
War without end: Putin’s Syria model
The war in Ukraine shows tragic parallels to the earlier conflict
China is the only real victor in Ukraine
A frightening new autocratic international order is taking shape
Where is the United Nations?
The world has lost its only credible arena for peace