Dean Céitinn
Dean Céitinn is a director at Free Speech Ireland and a former parliamentary staffer in the Irish Parliament
The triumph of Irish populism
The three major parties went with what is popular, rather than what is right
The predictability of subverting expectations
What to expect when you’re expecting your expectations to be subverted
The costs of assisted suicide
The trade-offs are real and extremely serious
Why I, as a mother…
Being a mother can change our perspectives and priorities
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
Is “progressive realism” either?
Weighing up the rights and wrongs of the Lammy Doctrine
End of the Long Peace?
Our technological and institutional sophistication will not eliminate conflict
The Sturgeon delusion
How the former SNP leader inspired hope and then squandered it
Sausage to fortune
Vague promises might haunt Starmer more than an embarrassing gaffe
Why young men like Donald Trump
He cuts through the sterility and severity of modern life