Language and assisted suicide
Let’s not soften language for political ends
Against anti-Christian bias
Christians are being singled out for hostility
Soft soaping suicide
Emmerdale’s coverage of assisted suicide was disturbing
The Scottish Tavistock
Politicians must address how young people are being treated at Sandyford gender clinic
The drug deaths haunting Scotland
Will the SNP pay attention?
“No-fault” divorce undermines marriage
Why is the government making it easier to break up families?
Turning a blind eye
Porn is motivating sexual attacks — it’s time we acted
The BBC can’t help taking sides
Planned Parenthood is a “rights groups”, pro-lifers want to deny “abortion care”
Time to get tough on porn
The porn industry profits from human misery. Why should we allow it to continue unchecked?
Don’t legalise assisted suicide
British politicians have turned down assisted suicide legislation several times before. They must do so again