Ella Whelan

Ella Whelan is a journalist and the author of What Women Want (Connor Court Publishing)

Young people need to be taught resilience, not how to revel in trauma and fragility

Feminist protests put a puritanical limit on the aesthetic quality of nudity

If anyone is going to be over-cautious about vaccines, it’s pregnant women

There’s more to feminism than how many women are on the FTSE100 — Mary Ann Sieghart’s new book does a disservice to working-class women

The WHO seems hellbent on making the stress of pregnant women’s lives even greater

Kathleen Stock’s new book is exactly the kind of forensic, generous intervention the ongoing trans debate sorely needs

The newly announced Higher Education Bill won’t be the great champion of free speech that people think it will be

A patronising and draconian response to female genital mutilation risks victimising women who have already been abused

Satire is supposed to be the unsayable, not virtue-signalling two-bit doggerel

The cowardice of senior staff at Batley Grammar should be a lesson to all educationalists about the importance of defending open discussion